Step 2: So you have done your Fakemon? Good. First up put your paper with your fakemon in the scanner next up open up gimp. Or what ever else you use. Now scan the fakemon. I take it you already know how to scan? It should appear in Gimp now What I do is I Make a new layer for the final product. That way there you cant see the erasing lines and you also have an transparent background. Now I use the line tool for pretty much every thing. Once the drawing has its lines it is time to color! Choose all the colors you need (I usually only use like 3 or 4.) Now that you have your color if you want it to look really good you can add shading If you dont know an easy way to shade tell me. Walla! You have an epic Fakemon!
Final step: Now do Save As and name it whatever you want (I usually name it what the fakemons name is) Save it as a .xcf file. That is for more editing later if you see a mistake. again Do Save As BUT! This time save it as a .png So you can post it in Deviant and photo Shack and what not. You now have 2 Files of it! One for editing and an other for posting! Hope I helped! P.s Keep the paper layer visible so on the other layer you can copy what it looks like! Once your done Make the paper layer invisible. Also color and shade on the Final product layer.