Professor Palutena

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  • Lissa says Welp on several occasions, and Chrom says Le sigh at one point.
    Awakening is meme-tastic.
    Nice profile pic. One can only hope for a Fire Emblem U, but Fire Emblem Awakening was an AWESOME game. How far are you?
    From now on, your usertitle shall be "Father of Sothe's children"
    ...speaking of which, why is Micaiah's DLC pic in Awakening just a bunch of fanservice?
    Okay, if all of his other options are taken. Got it.
    That wasn't a big spoiler at the end! I figured that out at chapter 4! is the spoiler in chapter 13 at the beginning or the end?
    TDL said it was at the end, but I saw a pretty big one at the beginning.

    ...also out of interest, how would you get Olivia to marry Chrom? It doesn't seem possible.
    Take one good long look at my current avatar and tell me if it looks like a confession shot from FE: Awakening.

    If it doesn't look enough like one, that means I need to give it a tune-up.
    Astra, OK. Is there anything better than the brave weapons? I found out that I can buy the Brave Weapons really easily by going to the Bonue Box and summoning the 3 Lv.20 Bonus Teams from Fire Emblem. They sell them for 2200-ish gold each. And gold is really easy to get, so that's no problem.

    Which tome that has been released is the best one?
    In Fire Emblem, are the Brave weapons the best? Idk I can't find anything better.

    Also, what's the best tome? I need to find a very good one for my Grand Master. I'm currently using the Excalibur one.
    Astra, looks like I'm raising up an army of Dark Fliers, then. I can steal all the Falcoknights off DLC. :D
    Astra, oh wow, that IS impressive!
    What other units besides Dark Fliers get Galeforce?
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