Professor Palutena

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  • hey teapot said i could use your uu team

    so like

    pm or vm me an export bro ; )
    Bippa, Remember, I didn't do it myself. i really don't ladder often.

    Chandelure, that will be a force to be reckoned with when it hits OU. Not Uber material, but it will force Skarmory, Ferrothorn, and Amoonguss into Shed Shells like it did in DW OU. It's also a huge block to CB Techniloom on Mach Punch.
    Bippa, One of my friends used my team and got into the top 20 before the ladder reset prior to BW2's arrival. I don't know how, but it's good to know I created a good team. That tier is too fun.
    ...People are still on? At least I have an excuse to stay up this late. :p

    But sure!
    Did the server crash for you too?
    Bippa, Thank you. I've been following this metagame much closer than BW1 because I can actually use my prior knowledge of DW OU and such. I have had much more experience with this metagame than the Excadrill/Garchomp era.
    Bippa, Why thank you! Like I've said, I'm jealous of that purple and Milotic is a pretty cool Pokemon on top of it.
    I can get on now but I may leave every five minutes because I am cooking dinner.
    Sweet. And judging by the last time I viewed the poll thread for the Master Cup, it will be the BW2 format, correct?
    Also, are we going to be doing the Master Cup on PO or PS? Or does it matter?
    I've always participated in the master cup, although I usually don't make it very far. I'm looking forward to it!
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