hi there im Rge, i was wondering if you wanted to battle? (no simulator)
let me explain we setup our decks blah blah blah (in real life no skype) so we setup our decks like in a tournament and we place our prizes and our hand so now that everythings ready lets begin with an example
k drawing a card...okay i place 1 fire energy with pignite and use professor juniper so i place totodile on my bench and i attack with flame charge so you take __ damage
kay my turn. and you do your turn....its pretty simple so if you want to battle comment me back! (Btw i call this a "comment battle")
let me explain we setup our decks blah blah blah (in real life no skype) so we setup our decks like in a tournament and we place our prizes and our hand so now that everythings ready lets begin with an example