Reggie McGigas
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  • I was only pointing out that while I was having a conversation with Keeper you were watching our profiles without posting anything.
    Then I suppose you making comments in the thread about our conversation and making a hate club against the Pokemon we were discussing doesn't exhibit any stalker like qualities whatsoever...

    Oh wait, it totally does.
    Truce? HAHAHAHAH no
    You betrayed my trust this time, not making the same mistake twice. I've got like... three others on my side for sure. That will be enough to start.

    But Ground, huh?
    My first target is...
    I like too many Ground types. :(
    Reggie McGigas, As you can see, not many people are targeting Genesect and Genesect wouldn't be in much danger anyways.
    Reggie McGigas, my loyalty is to Empoleon, but I can promise to not hurt Genesect if you don't hurt Empoleon until, eventually, they are the only ones left.
    Aggron is rock not ground, just realized. Makes my choice even easier.
    You should be able to tell from my avvi what my ground type choice will be. Definitely not Aggron.
    I wasn't contributing to the conversations because of that precisely. I was hoping Aggron would go unnoticed and at least make it as far as it has. I am succeeding in quietly promoting my favorites, and I plan on doing this for every type. You're doing a great job, btw.
    Reggie McGigas,
    I do agree. While there is one way around that, the only way of knowing it has worked is by putting your trust in people. You could always make a rule 'Click Preview Post before you make a post every time to check for ninjas' so that people can change their list before the post is made :p
    Reggie McGigas,
    Hi Reggie. In the Hurt/Heal game for Steel types, the first of 19 (not including WC rounds), a complete mess of confusion. After many different decisions, arguments, and propositions, it became more confused. I like the Hurt/Heal game, and in think I may have just the format that will make it more simple:
    Just give me $1 000 000 and this could be yours

    Example of format:

    Dragonite - 8
    Hydrogien - 8
    Palkia - 8
    Dialga - 8
    Salamence - 8
    Altaria - 8

    I have two alternatives for the format of hurting and healing numeracy:

    If you want a fast game, for whatever reason:
    Hurts will do a total of 3 damage.
    Heals will do a total of 1 health

    If you want a slow game:
    Hurts and heals both do 20.

    I hope you consider this format for Hurt and Heal
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