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  • Don't worry about it. Anywho I beat the second gym in B2 and spent a few hours at Pokestar Studios. It's a fun addition to the games, I think! Now I'm on to Castelia City.
    Living the gangnam style = saving money on necessities and buying highly priced luxury goods. (For example eating only cheap noodles and always wearing the lastest fashion.) It's a fake luxury life. The song criticizes this life style. It's funny and sad that people go around yelling gangnam style while the song is a satire of the said subject.
    I made a post saying I would take up to six more entries this round before you posted, though. Not that it matters since I'll still start voting tomorrow anyways.
    Sorry. I just don't like stating reasons why I'm not able to use chat because it sounds like I'm making excuses. :(
    I guess I can't. Meh, I just got told that I have to watch my Grandma this afternoon, so I can't leave the house. I'm really starting to hate not having home Internet... I'll have to catch you on it another time, unless you want to chat here... :/
    Not right now. Sorry, maybe later in an hour or two when I get to the library...
    Pop a squat, Reshiwott! What's up with you today?
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