Nigel Aug 7, 2012 Reshiwott, Eventually I will. However, you're still not allowed to link to other forums XP
Nigel Aug 7, 2012 Reshiwott, Yep. They were being very very naughty. Especially since I've warned them loads of times previously, and they haven't cooperated. >:3
Reshiwott, Yep. They were being very very naughty. Especially since I've warned them loads of times previously, and they haven't cooperated. >:3
M M MrGatr Aug 7, 2012 Reshiwott, Dood, just change you're name and get on... I'm gonna leave in 2 min... Also, I'm banned from dat for 6-0'ing da admins
Reshiwott, Dood, just change you're name and get on... I'm gonna leave in 2 min... Also, I'm banned from dat for 6-0'ing da admins