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  • Reshiwott, Hey hey, don't get down! If I can get through Kanto with Charmander (Did I mention that I didn't Evolve him?), then Riolu can definitely beat Electivire! You just can't give up! =D
    Reshiwott, Just play around with it and you'll eventually get used to it. That's how I learned to use it. For faking, you'll mostly just be using the Select, Move, and Text Tools. Make sure that the Toolbox and Layer panel are visible. To show the layers (if not already visible), Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Layers.
    Reshiwott, Sorry about continuously not responding, I'm never free earlier then 3:00 EST. I can do evenings and weekends.
    Nothing wrong with a little "character crush." It's no different than how I immediately fell in love with Latias when she was introduced in Gen Three. It's only a problem if it becomes an obsession.
    Reshiwott, Make sure you've downloaded the proper version for your OS (if you're running Windows but downloaded the Mac version, it won't work and vice versa). The Windows version can be found here:
    Reshiwott, lasagna is like pizza in a tin. It's got pasta, cheese, tomato sauce, spices, maybe a topping or two...
    It's not just cheese, boyo.
    Reshiwott, Whoa there, you best not be dissing my hair. Wouldn't want bad things to fall upon you as a result...

    Oh and I never said Lucario was...not awesome, so not sure why that's important.
    Reshiwott, I just came back from it. Apparently it said that I couldn't Evolve because of some sorta distortion in the fabric of space? 0nO Where is it? Uh... Actually, I have no idea what the name of the Region IS. The way I even got here was due to an accident that occurred in Snowpoint City a small while ago... -_-'
    Reshiwott, Personally, I prefer making my own art for fakes. However, if you're not confident in your art ability, I suggest looking for images on deviantArt because it is custom artwork and you can interact with the artist (like asking if you can use their work).

    As far as programs go, if you have Photoshop, it's the best thing to use. If you don't have it and don't want to pay for it, you can download GIMP for free. It has many of the same features as Photoshop. The only problem is with how it handles text. You have to go to greater lengths to format everything properly. If you don't have it, you can find it here:

    Before putting the fake together, you need to figure out what kind of blank you're going to use (Classic, Neo, ex, DP, BW, or a custom blank), then find a font guide for it (if available) and make sure you have all the fonts installed. These are all the fonts traditionally used on Pokemon cards, though some custom blanks call for others:

    Some font guides are ready-made so all you have to do is replace the filler text. However, note that many of these guides were made with Photoshop, so you won't be able to edit the text if you're using GIMP. Some of these have been made especially for GIMP, though. You can find them as well as some nifty other guides here:

    I don't know of anything else to cover, so let me know if you need anymore help.
    Reshiwott, Howdy doo :D

    Depends on what era your aiming for and what program(s) you have access too :) (those being GIMP/photoshop/paint shop pro)
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