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  • Reshiwott, I did some research, and after being online for awhile I found out you were right.... to an extent, the azure flute cannot be obtained legally, However even if the flute was hacked, Arceus is still legit. Much like when you breed a hacked pokemon, is the baby hacked? or legit? (The answer is legit) here is yet another quote from another site to back up my statement:

    "It won't affect the Pokemon directly as far as stats and stuff go and will for all intents and purposes be a legal Pokemon, the only "illegal" thing you did was hack an item that can no longer be gotten is all"

    Edit: This also means if you put it through a hack check, it should come out legit, which should be proof enough.
    Reshiwott, pulled these quotes from several sites to prove my point:

    At level 80, Arceus is the second-highest level Pokémon available for capture

    you can only get the azure flute 3 ways: 1.) you can get it in mystery gift/world event, 2.) you can obtain it by using action replay/gameshark, or 3.) someone would be willing to trade you it.
    Reshiwott, It's not meant to be offensive. I'm just saying that it isn't legit, that's all.
    The Member Card and Oak's Letter, for Darkrai and Shaymin respectively, were both released in Platinum (but not for D&P), but the Azure Flute was never released for any of them.

    I keep up to date with every event from Gen 4 onward that's ever been released, and I would have remembered the Azure Flute if it was actually released. It still works if you acquire it, but it was never given out in any official distribution.
    Reshiwott, o_O okay so you can catch a magikarp (that I have personally never seen happen) but I'm honestly telling the truth when I say it's legit, I haven't lied before, and I don't plan on starting to now.
    Reshiwott, that is incorrect, I in no way hacked my game and I'm 100% sure he is legal, check the internet, Flute Arceus is lvl. 80, and you can use RNG to make him a legit shiny. also please note that you can't catch lvl. 100 pokemon. it's a simple fact :/ (also there is such a thing as shiny arceus, every pokemon you catcher has a 1/x chance to be shiny)

    I've been playing the game for years, I think I can tell whether or not it's hacked :/ (if you still doubt me then check to see if it's legal using the SID or something like that, or just trade it back if you really don't want to keep it....)
    Reshiwott, I don't use PO.

    I'll try and see if I can get the monkeys elsewhere; just contact me if you actually got one.
    Reshiwott, If you want to know more it was from the Azure Flute event at which case a level 80 Arceus appears, from there you can RNG him to make him shiny, flawless etc. and it's all legal, I promise.
    Reshiwott, I hack check things on a regular basis :p

    So, when would you like to arrange a time to trade the monkeys? Or will you get back to me?
    Reshiwott, Arceus can't be legitimately obtained below Lv100 nor can it be shiny. Trust me, it isn't.

    All I want right now are Dreamyard Pansear and Dreamyard Panpour. That's all.
    Reshiwott, I don't accept hacks for any reason. Really, all I need right now are the monkeys.
    Reshiwott, ew Emolga

    Nah, all I need are a Dreamyard Pansear and a Dreamyard Panpour for right now. (I don't need a DY Pansage as I have one of those already.)
    Reshiwott, I just want a set of 3 all acquired in the Dreamyard, and I only have 1 right now. I'd be swapping you a level 20 monkey of the same kind.

    I'm just weird like that, that's all. If you could get one or both for me, that'd be great.
    Reshiwott, ah, okay.

    I'm just wondering, do you have any Pansear and/or Panpour caught in the Dreamyard? (I don't care what level they are.) I'll swap a Pansear/pour of my own for it.
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