H H HenryP Oct 16, 2012 RogueChomp, Thanks, Double Warning in T4. It wasn't that bad, he had the nuts game 1 to won so i don't feel that bad and i had no supporters game 3.
RogueChomp, Thanks, Double Warning in T4. It wasn't that bad, he had the nuts game 1 to won so i don't feel that bad and i had no supporters game 3.
A A alex Oct 15, 2012 RogueChomp, It better not be that weird http://www2.playtcg.me/Setup/OppChooseDeck.aspx?id=604196&key=1072622292
RogueChomp, It better not be that weird http://www2.playtcg.me/Setup/OppChooseDeck.aspx?id=604196&key=1072622292
Blah Oct 15, 2012 I heard you were looking for Boundries Crossed testing. I have a proxy deck made already if you want to play sometime.
I heard you were looking for Boundries Crossed testing. I have a proxy deck made already if you want to play sometime.