Haha, I was actually going to mention that I used to be ShadowLugia, but I figured that you hadn't been gone that long. But either way, no worries man, obscure name changes have that effect!
Rusticks, the higher-higher-ups don't like me. That's all there is to it.
I would have probably resigned of my own accord later anyway, but I'll never know that for sure. I was just terminate, that's all.
Sex noises were heard from King Arceus's house.
When everyone gathered in the square, they found that King Arceus and Rusticks were already there.
"What are you doing here?" the mayor asked.
"Glad you asked!" King Arceus exclaimed with glee. "We fixed it!"
"What do you mean?" someone else said.
Rusticks gave King Arceus a big, wet kiss. "My sexy man and I fixed the Lynch Machine! It shouldn't malfunction anymore."