One Approved Sep 6, 2011 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAFARIBLADE!!!! celebrate by putting moar womenz in ur avvy. :F
PG24 Sep 6, 2011 safariblade, how about we let Guy and DNA create the challenge, they observe, and we'll play it out as if we were the team leaders.
safariblade, how about we let Guy and DNA create the challenge, they observe, and we'll play it out as if we were the team leaders.
PG24 Sep 6, 2011 Okay, idea for next challenge: You take over leadership of Team Ninja, I take leadership over Team Nightmare. and then some sort of challenge that test OUR leadership skills.
Okay, idea for next challenge: You take over leadership of Team Ninja, I take leadership over Team Nightmare. and then some sort of challenge that test OUR leadership skills.
xxashxx Sep 6, 2011 HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!. Hope you are having a good day and are getting lots of Pokemon stuff too XD.
HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!. Hope you are having a good day and are getting lots of Pokemon stuff too XD.
M M MrGatr Sep 6, 2011 Can you get back on PO? PLEASE... I want a battle with someone other than Bippa (Not that I don't like him, its I know every attack for every guy on his team!)
Can you get back on PO? PLEASE... I want a battle with someone other than Bippa (Not that I don't like him, its I know every attack for every guy on his team!)
Professor Palutena Sep 6, 2011 safariblade, 17?... Did I seriously click the wrong year... *Bippa goes to fix that