bbninjas Dec 1, 2014 Hi! I'm running a Showdown tournament named Ditto where you are sent the same randomly-generated Pokemon, whom your opponent has, that you must create a team out of however you like. I'm looking for players, and I invite you here:
Hi! I'm running a Showdown tournament named Ditto where you are sent the same randomly-generated Pokemon, whom your opponent has, that you must create a team out of however you like. I'm looking for players, and I invite you here:
Sep 30, 2014 What does the banner in your sig say, if you know? I can make out utopia, but that's it.
Ice Espeon Sep 9, 2014 Scorched Feathers, I only just realised that your 'what kind of change me' was actually a link lol .
Ice Espeon Sep 5, 2014 The usertitle. I just couldn't think what to put there (It's not some personal commentary )