Scorched Feathers

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  • He's doing well! He was having tummy issues for some time but I got him on a new food regimen and it seems to be working well for him. Mostly he's just spending his days stretching out and rolling around like a weirdo, occasionally sleeping.
    Hello there! I'm that one person you asked to remind you when the PMU website is back up! Hopefully you remember and still wish to play PMU. xD Anyway, its back up and you can download it. :> If you have any questions look/post in the Game Guides and support sub-forums, or you can ask me if you wish. Here's the download page if you want the link:
    That sounds sort of complicated ;A;
    I guess since I've never used any sort of editor it perhaps seems more daunting then it truly is.

    Maybe it takes a first hand experience to get the hang of it. I've always wondered, what do you do for the BGM? Is that made by yourself or do you use off-vocal instrumentals?
    Scorched Feathers, I miss her long hair. Unfortunately I bet it won't change unless she also changes decks again haha. I guess the rule is when the deck changes so does the hair. (Pay no heed to, like, every other character that has changed.)
    I have a really hard time not hearing "bindo!" every time I see your signature haha.
    Scorched Feathers, went out for dinner last night, ended up coming home at 10pm. Fell dead asleep, and cannot be bothered doing it in the morning. Now I get to go to work. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-- *falls, dead*
    I've always liked his design so the mega only enhanced my want to choose him. Although Torchic and Mudkip aren't bad choices either but I'm likely going to do the same as you. I just hope the music is going to be as awesome as the originals or at least come close to its level of epicness.

    Umm, what I was referring to being complicated was the usage of the editor itself, not the installation :p
    Treecko? Interesting. May I ask if that decision was due to the recently unveiled mega or was it just enhanced by it? I haven't decided on an entire team but there are a few that are sticking out to me. One mega that I would love to see is Mega Swellow; if that actually does become a thing I will be ecstatic.

    IA is <3 and if I were ever to purchase a VOCALOID editor then IA would be placed high upon that list. Something that has deterred me from trying to do so is that it seems rather complicated .-.
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