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  • Well, I'm just gonna list what I'm interested in, then you give me what they're valued at. For you, at least.

    1x Spellstone Sorcerer Karood
    The 2 Cybernetic Magician
    1x Hanzo
    1x Evoltile Najasho
    ...they're commons. Though from a rare structure deck, I wouldn't value one at anything over $5 ._.

    I noticed that you had an Endymion, the Master Magician. By any chance, do you have any Magical Citadel of Endymion?
    Looking at your trade thread, I have these things on your want list.

    * 2x Dimensional Prison (Machina Mayhem) (Not 100% mint, persay, but if you looked at the back of the card, you likely couldn't even tell there were any problems. LMK if you want pics.)
    * 1x Forbidden Lance (Common, Battle Pack 1) (Lightly played, no visible damage, even up close)
    * 1x Kabazauls

    May I see a general list of YGO haves?
    I did add a strategy. It was at the top. also how come people can name their decklist threads "big Basics". I took the Long way and named it Mewtwo Ex/ Landorus Ex/ Tornadus Ex because of the main attackers.
    Serperior, I'm available on Sunday, I have all-day events on Friday and Saturday.
    Is it alright to contact a staff member about another forum in pm on this forum? I need Jay right now.
    Serperior, The match was fairly close because it was the mirror but I was pretty much on a tear after the second Round. States went ok I guess. 6-2 bubble lyfe.
    Serperior, Yeah..I guess haha. Someone I played at States knew my list from the videos but I still escaped with a win. It's not like I'm always playing him either. I usually just play him once when he streams and for some reason he just always puts up the games even though he has 20+ to choose from haha.
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