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  • Kid Icarus and Mario 3D Land are good. Do Luigi's Mansion or Paper Mario interest you? And eShop downloads, too. Pushmo is the only original game I'd say is worth full price, but VC games are good.
    Serperior, heh, actually, him and his brother made worlds this year, and his mom plays also, so they need at least 3 haha. The other one he should sell though and make a nice chunk!
    Serperior, heh, not far at all. the furthest I was looyking at was an hour away lol.

    And I have a friend who picked up 4 preordered Rayquaza for 35 each :O
    Since Contributors are part of staff now, will he make you one when you request it?
    Serperior, is that far from your house? idk where things are in Ohio lol. And yup, MSU! it's only 30 minutes from my house so it doesn't matter what I bring lol.

    I like Garchomp, but I don't run Rayquaza, mostly because I'm realistic lol. I don't run cards that I won't have in real life. I think it runs just fine without it personally.
    Serperior, psh, I plan on packing the night before lmao.

    I move in the 21st hopefully, I still don't know. Other people move in the 26th but since I'll be working I should be able to move in early.

    Where are you even going? I forgetted >.< haha

    And I'm testing Garchmop currently. I was playing the Hydreigon deck but there are/were some annoying problems with it.
    Serperior, hey man! I've been good, getting ready for college and stuff. I've been playing a lot of Minecraft and getting some BW-on testing in :D

    How bout yourself? Glad to be modding again?
    Serperior, I'm OCD, too. At Nats, I was playing another OCD kid. He really wanted to sit on one side of the table. However, I kept straightening his cards and he got ticked at me.

    Do the winnie da poo mini game. Do eet.
    Serperior, That was the most boring world imo. I really enjoyed the winnie da poo world.

    *Nigel's mom has a collection of Winnie Da Poo merchandise*
    Serperior, *such* a good game.

    LMK when you get to the 'dance water dance' dude- best character ever.

    Oh, and WINNIE DA POO world is boss
    Sees Serp Derp likes Kingdom Hearts-

    The world becomes a better place.
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