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  • Serperior, the prices are based on the name of the game, regardless of what condition it's in. Somewhere there's a hidden stock market chart of the values of every game ever made and they're going by it...
    Serperior, i dunno, gamestop?

    My info may be outdated though, as it's been many years since I've played BN2, and they're getting progressively harder to find.
    Serperior, it's my favorite looking PA for sure. And it's so incredibly broken...* coding? Yes please. After being comboed with HubBatch (I think it gives a MegaFolder +2, along with a ton of other things) it becomes even more splashable.

    BN2 can be found pretty cheaply. I think it's my favorite BN because of the use of 'dammit!' a lot, which makes me lol. also, terrorists (one guy literally tried to hijack a plane, and since the game itself was released in 2002, I'm surprised that scene made the cut!)
    Serperior, BN2 only has one version. It was only at 3 that they started to split into two - and of those, only 3 requires you to have BOTH to 100% the game. (all the others will just allow you to get secret chips, i.e. version-exclusive Navis.)

    Master Style does 9 hits of 100 damage apiece, and it automatically will stop if all enemies are destroyed anyway.
    How many more rounds will the DBC have? And how many people will be eliminated each round? I want to know how many more times I have to crush peoples' dreams. :)
    Serperior, you need to S-Rank the Beta Navi in under 20 seconds while in Team Style. The fastest way to do that is to just build a 2xHero Folder for spamming. Also, Master Style is a splashable PA, so use that one too.

    BN4 is terrible. Don't do it. Seriously. BN2 is actually quite good. 5 is also a good title - get the DS version if you can (because it has enhanced connectivity).
    Serperior, gamefaqs solves all your problems

    Granted, you do need a copy of the opposite version to beat the game - which, fortunately, I managed to acquire for White - which I think is really the only flaw of the game. Other than that it plays beautifully.

    Also...don't forget about Team Style. The highest level for NaviChips isn't V3; it's V4.
    Serperior, BN3 White, eh? Ironically enough...I sold every MegaMan game I had, but I KEPT that one, because it was so great. BN3 is held by most as the greatest title in the series.

    omg serenade /wrists
    Serperior, I USED to, yes. I've since stopped playing it and have lost interest in the series as a whole, but I still do like some of the characters - Bass and ShadowMan sticking out.
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    I moved your DBC thread to tournaments & online play to promote that section more. Since it technically is a tournament.

    Can you post the rest of your threads in there, but not make them stickies? There's not enough activity for them to need to be stickied.
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