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  • Shadow Scyther, No, sadly. Kind of why I havn't been on the PB server in a while. I had to revert back to .60 with BW2 info as well. I lost the link to it, sadly.
    Shadow Scyther, Perhaps our main lead should be Bisharp / Latias. For one thing, Latias needs Psychic. Fighting types plague Bisharp.
    Latias>Latios. Latios if frail and doesn't live through much. Latias is the opposite, while receiving about the same support movepool. Besides, resistances won't matter, since the two will likely be out together anyways.
    ... You can't be serious. S-Guard give the Attack bonus, yet Own Tempo doesn't? Hmm... Seems legit.
    Beleieve it or not, but actually, if I'm not mistaken, Own Tempo Prevents the confusion, but you still gain the Attack boost. I'll need to retest this, but I'm almost sure of it.
    Wait, are you sure you didn't mean to say, "Own Tempo prevents Confusion"?

    Anyways, a great Trick Room set up mon for VGC is Cresselia. I oftentimes find myself using one, and it doesn't disappoint.
    Depends on the mons used in the process. If the opponent sees Terrakion and Whimsicott on the same team, they can assume what to expect.
    Shdow Scyther, lol I forgot about the Perism Berry. Bisharp actually sounds like a good option. Intimidate would only raise its Attack by +1, which by VGC standards and Bisharp, +1 is all we need to do a decent sweep. But do we want decent sweeps? No, we want to completely overrun the opponent :p
    Shadow Scyther, All of these are great ideas, but a few notes:

    Haryama is fragile. It is a bit risky. I suppose if Cresselia was the one with Swag, it might work, but still.

    Also, Flatter is only +1 SAtt.

    Conkelderp in TR with +2 Att.... So long as we have Safeguard (oc course), it would be OK I spose', but then again, that might also end up being too much set up, with TR, S-Guard, and Swag.
    Shadow Scyther, All of these are great ideas! Just keep in mind: our Swagger target needs to have great bulk overall. Now thinking about it, Gliscor isn't such a great option due to horrible SDef. Something like Scrafty would be great with this. However, we run into some problems. Metagross is oftentimes used for SwagLum due to Clear Body, which prevents Intimidate from working on it. If you were to use Moxie Scrafty, WoW then becomes a problem (due to the fact I don't think you can have Shed Skin and Moxie at the same time :p ). Look like we have some more thinking to do.
    Shadow Scyther, That actually sounds like a good idea. I may need to test around a bit with it. If it was going to work, though, the team would need to be Bulky Offense. Something along the lines of....

    - Cott
    - Gliscor
    - Suicune
    - Arcanine
    - ???
    - ???
    You should play it more. Assassin's Creed 3 is going to be released this fall at the end of October.
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