Sleeping Snorlax

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  • You look good with the new user bar! Keep up the good work man! Everyone is like upgrading here and im staying the same :( lol
    Its fine, imma neat freak that had to try to get it all off lol. thanks for the rh krokorok, it helped alot. next time i recommend using electrical tape instead, way easier to get off. ahhh i tried to get rid of a old toploader and you sent it back! lol!
    Check your trade thread out. my phone is messing up and not showing my posts on your thread. but the rh collector has a lot of scratches and some edgewear but its still playable .
    Sleeping Snorlax, im getting ready a small FCBM of some of my friends favorite common and uncommon cards. i have soooooooo many of them tht imma surprise her with a FCBM lol
    Sleeping Snorlax, i only got one pokemon collector :(, but if you want, ill give you the 2 RH reuniclus, snorlax, RH pokemon collector and how about a RH pokemon communications? and/or a RH solosis??
    Sleeping Snorlax, ive made it and they are checking it and etc. should be done from either now in within a day. i already put aside the 2 RH reun. you wanted and the snorlax. I also have a pokemon collector RH but it is scratched alot, but still playable for sure!
    Sorry for so many msgs on ur profile :( But i just wanted to add that my trade rep thread has just been made! lol
    I already got your snorlax card in a top loader and even picked out some extras imma throw in! haha i like to plan ahead. but even if we cant trade (because of pokebeachs darn trading rules :( ) id still be willing to send you the snorlax for absolutly free bro. if you need it, ill def be there for you and give it to ya man! what r friends for man. just remember this! ill always help yeah! anytime bro!
    Sleeping Snorlax, i willl keep in touch with you and let you know the details and etc! i gtg goodnight, thank you so much bro!
    Sleeping Snorlax, Ahh, thanks, im doing that as we speak, asoon as i do that ill let you know so we can trade. Can u hold those cards for me for a little while?
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