How much do your value a Mint Shiny Reuniclus at? I might be able to trade you one if I can convince my dad to let me trade on PokeBeach again. (he wouldn't let me after I got ripped out of $90 (at the time) worth the cards)
Sleeping Snorlax, no it doesn't. It does 60 damage to the Active target, then the effect on who's being brought up is on the Benched Pokemon. You can choose a Sigilyph and block that (if Mew EX is using Whirlwind).
What's a "penny sleeve" ? I mean, I know about standard card-gaming sleeves, like from Ultra Pro, but what are the distinguishing features of a penny sleeve? I plan on trading with you in the near future, so that's why I'm asking.
Hi there, I meant the question as in the first first turn? Can you still use those moves then too? I can't reply to the topics for some reason so I had to post here.