MountainDrew Feb 2, 2013 U mean baconator? Lol ur breloom and thunderus were annoying with their status effects
M M MrGatr Feb 2, 2013 QWERTY DITTO, I would like Female, but the everstone trick can work for me, and the name.... Curly.. for it's lil hair on head
QWERTY DITTO, I would like Female, but the everstone trick can work for me, and the name.... Curly.. for it's lil hair on head
M M MrGatr Feb 2, 2013 QWERTY DITTO, Hey man just let me know when your ready Friend Code: 0004 2464 9276 Trainer Name: Gavin
QWERTY DITTO, Hey man just let me know when your ready Friend Code: 0004 2464 9276 Trainer Name: Gavin
M M MrGatr Feb 2, 2013 QWERTY DITTO, Go ahead and hatch it Does the mon holding the everstone have the DW ability though? If so then it's garunteed lol.
QWERTY DITTO, Go ahead and hatch it Does the mon holding the everstone have the DW ability though? If so then it's garunteed lol.
M M MrGatr Feb 2, 2013 QWERTY DITTO, Oh please, I'd love if and trade da Gastly and Seel + some item for it Welp I'ma nickname for ya, and it'll be about 25 more min and I'll have them ready
QWERTY DITTO, Oh please, I'd love if and trade da Gastly and Seel + some item for it Welp I'ma nickname for ya, and it'll be about 25 more min and I'll have them ready