The Pikachu Mafia

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  • The Pikachu Mafia, Got it today, sendig tomarrow, sorry the postal service is backed up around here
    Your Signiture:
    "THE CaKE, IT'S A LIE!!..... okay it's not a lie but it's not exactly "The Truth" either..."
    Is so true. :p I love it. =)
    The Pikachu Mafia, I do not have one right now, but could look to get you one.

    I think I am going to trade my Zekrom EX for a Reshi EX, so I dont need yours anymore! ;D And Ill have to check it out!
    The Pikachu Mafia, I am very interested in your Cobalion FA, and possibly the Vileplume... I have one, but you never know when they might come in handy! :D A "PO"? Like, the online card battling thing? Sorry, a bit new... xD And no, I dont have a mag prime... But will let you know if I do get one... And Ill let you know about the games! :D
    The Pikachu Mafia, Oh... Yeah, she did... Oops. lol I heard you are a fan of the games? Or you just like to play a game here and there? Would love to challenge you, though I am not yet hooked up to our wi-fi... Im always down for a fun fight! Also, LMK about any future EX cards! I would be interested! You have any specific wants/needs? I can get em, including latest and greatest boosters!
    The Pikachu Mafia, Gotcha... NP! I understand! I have a Zekrom EX and pulled that... Not trading it off easily, or lightly... xD So I understand! :D
    The Pikachu Mafia, Oh ok! I look forward to the PM! :D

    Do you happen to have any Collector/Catcher you'd trade for them?
    The Pikachu Mafia, No worries, already got both Mewtwo Lv. X.

    Sounds good! The Electrodes are also for sale if you are interested. I'd let them go kinda cheap too.
    Hey there I have two Electrode Primes for trade!

    Got any ex's, Kyurem NV, or cards from my wants? :)
    Oh, I see. Cool. Is your time on the computer restricted? You only seem to get on here early in the day :/

    Hey, I found someone who can help me with my ditto situation. But still, thank you anyway! :)
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