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  • The Yoshi, Im buying a box (assuming it's at least 4 regular EX's per box), and then I have another spare 40. I'll save up for like 1 off that, and see if I can trade beaches for the rest of it.

    Or I'll sell my kidney. There's a good market for organs
    If you're looking for Pokémon plushes, Toys R Us always has a bin with whatever is the latest few American releases. Some Targets and Wal•Marts do too.

    Locally run toy shops or smaller chains (such as Puzzle Zoo, though I don't know if they're around where you're at) have a wider selection, though the stores themselves are harder to find because the recession has almost destroyed the brick-and-mortar toy store.

    For Japanese-only ones, like that Reuniclus or Klinklang, your best bet, during normal times of the year, is a store dedicated to Japanese stuff, such as Tokyo Lifestyle. If there is an anime convention near you, and you feel it's worth visiting, there will be almost every Pokémon plush ever manufactured for sale there.
    The Yoshi, I should be fine on my own, but thanks for offering.
    I could always go in my ninja suit, though.
    The Yoshi, I shall accept this task with dignity and grace.
    I just need to comb my hair back into spikes and get a snazzy blue suit.
    You still haven't figured it out. PokéBeach doesn't take moderation seriously. Feel free to argue the point, but the truth is the truth.
    You have earned one jar of cookies.
    The Yoshi, I use the word "dog" as a pause word a lot of the time, like how some people use "like" or "um". It is a pretty terrible habit. I just wanted to put something in my signature until I can think of something better. Dogs are pretty cool. I don't know what I am doing with my profile a lot of the time :p
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