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  • well, we're arguing, so it is kind of an argument. tbh, it's between teapot and pmj, not either of us. I just don't like people who say that pmj should be removed and such just becuase he didn't decide his deck at the time teapot talked to him. You really shouldn't be calling people out about not completing their matches when their is still time left.
    you said he should think about the mods he chooses. People don't need to pick their decks before the tourney, just before their matches. How is this tourney going badly? I would agree with you even bringing up someone should be replaced if the round had already ended, but now when the tourney is so early?
    you told him to think about the mods he puts in the tourney, implying that he didn't pick his mods correctly. Who's concern is it other than PMJ's when he picks his deck? As long as it's before the battle, he's fine. If pride asked me if I had a deck a day before my battle, I would've said no. That doesn't mean a replacement should be found for me (or PMJ for that matter).
    The Yoshi, no, he got ninja'd twice by two different people, neither of which was me.
    Okay, then. I was just a little worried for a moment there when you quoted Zy. Glad to hear you like, it, though! ^.^
    I can't quite remember specifically which one, but it was on a Facebook community page (a fan page for Latios or Latias, I think).

    Also, Zy's avvy is just from the same pic; it's not the exact same one I'm using, otherwise it'd be a problem (if that's what you were worried about or something).
    The Yoshi, Maybe I would get more posts if I removed that. But they would be spammy and shallow posts. I don't want them. I'd rather have two high-quality posts per thread than five one-liners per thread.
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