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  • In all honesty, I didn't think the critique you left was all that harsh. It was just stuff that needed to be pointed out anyways, and if you hadn't, I would have (and more sternly than you did).
    When I saw you post a topic that said "The Magic Number Five", I was thinking of some weird troll thread that would tell people to put 5 copies of a card in a deck.

    Speaking of which, someone tried to do that at a tournament and didn't think anything was wrong with it when turning in his decklist. I said "lolnope" :p
    I've been meaning to critique it, but I'll wait on your account. You're doing good thus far, though, so I won't badger you about stuff you could be doing better on if that's what you're concerned about.
    The Yoshi, Haystack? xD I kinda like it :p. At work they call me buddy and slugger...I feel like I'm 10 all over again xD
    I'll try to catch up and make a general critique finally if you do then.
    The Yoshi, Ehhhh I don't really have any nicknames...I've been called Lainey and Dell but it never lasted to long :p. Go ahead...try and think of one :p
    The Yoshi, Lol that's what everyone says. I was sitting outside of Starbucks with my friends one day. Some lady came out with her little girl. She goes "stay away from the back of the car Dellainey". I started looking all around. Then the lady goes "Dellainey come here" and I just stood up. "DELLAINEY?! That's my name" and the lady was a little freaked out and then she was all excited. Me and her little girl high fived and then they left...ya...pretty rare name :p. Dellainey is actually a girls name but what eva
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