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    The Yoshi,

    I'm interested in Piloswine & Zwelious.

    What kinds of things are you looking for? I have a couple of EVd stuff and a ton of events. I also have shiny things, but I generally only trade shinies for shinies, but maybe we can work something out.
    The Yoshi, Nope, I got my Sandile. But if you have any other good IVd or EVd Pokemon, let me know. Especially if they are shiny.
    Yeah, there's a bit of a learning curve with processing how stuff works, but once you do, practically anything is possible. Just be careful with trying to control the IVs of shinies. When searching, you'll find many seeds that don't hit a shiny until the 10000s. The Masuda Method greatly, greatly reduces that to something reasonable, but that is best done with a flawless foreign Ditto, or at least a flawless Ditto and one foreign Pokemon of each egg group.
    Ah, yeah, right.

    Piloswine... There aren't any wandering NPCs in Giant Chasm, and fog doesn't advance the RNG... We need to find the frame you're on. Next time you get a wrong nature/Pokemon/ability, re-run your search in the main window, this time without any filters. Scroll to where you thought the frame you advanced to is, and look around for the nature/Pokemon/ability you did get. That'll tell you how far off you are with Chatot.
    The PIDRNG frame you want should be specified in Time Finder. Right after the seed, the frame should be 1. Is it? If not, you'll have to advance it; it advances x times for x Pokemon in your party every 128 steps. So typically, I have my Emboar and Chatot; if I had to advance to frame 3, I'd walk 128 steps.
    The Yoshi, and after you said that I actually read the text on the game that said "Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver." Next time I'll be sure to take the time to read things.
    The Yoshi, and after you said that I actually read the text on the game that said "Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HearGold, SoulSilver." Next time I'll be sure to take the time to read things.
    I'm not hitting one with key presses. Should I be pressing any buttons when I hard reset?

    And okay, I'll check out the other potential issues.
    Try to find what second and Timer0 you're hitting. Try hitting your seed, advance your frame however many necessary, and encounter your Pokemon however you're going to do that. If it isn't what you were expecting, check your parameters, as if you were calibrating. You should get a result. Compare the Timer0 value of it to the seed Time Finder found. If it's the same, uh... But if it's different, that's your problem. You'll have to find another seed. If you don't get a result, there might be an issue with your timing.

    You aren't trying to hit one with keypresses, right?
    Let's see...

    If you're using a DS game to connect to Wifi, you might have to go into the DS game itself and set up Nintendo WFC that way (instead of accessing it via the 3DS System Settings). This might not be the issue at all and you might not even have to.
    With the settings you set up already, does it pass the basic connection test (that it does whenever you adjust and save a connection's settings)? If it doesn't, you may need to tweak that itself, such as the wrong network key or wrong type of security (e.g. WEP instead of WPA). On that note, I think DP (and maybe Pt as well) doesn't work with WPA security.

    Another bit is, on the 3DS, to do anything wireless/Wifi, the wireless switch (on the side) needs to be turned on (if it is, there'll be a little orange light next to it). If it's not on, any sort of communication will auto-fail.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head right now...
    The Yoshi, I wasn't quite sure if you were genuinely mad at me or what, so I just decided to play it safe and back off.
    Everyone has their bad days. I understand. Don't worry; all's good.
    Normally, I would be totally okay with that comment. But since I know you don't like me very much, I'm not quite sure how to take it.
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