N N Nengeni Jul 16, 2011 Hey, you know that forum that Chello PM'ed you about? I have a feeling that he may be using userbars stolen from me. Could you PM me and I'll give you my email so that I can check?
Hey, you know that forum that Chello PM'ed you about? I have a feeling that he may be using userbars stolen from me. Could you PM me and I'll give you my email so that I can check?
U U UmbraESP Jul 14, 2011 I might of accidentally removed you when I was cleaning out my buddy list. I'll add you right now.
U U UmbraESP Jul 14, 2011 Oh yeah,reason why I have so many buddies is because a lot of them were part of RPGs. And they're my friends!
Oh yeah,reason why I have so many buddies is because a lot of them were part of RPGs. And they're my friends!