I smelled shiny gourgeist. If you get one let me know. I'm looking for one everywhere and will offer some amazingly good offer for a shiny female gourgeist.
I've bred your Honedge. I hope you don't mind, but it also has perfect Speed (don't know if you wanted the slowest possible). My timezone is GMT+2, so tell me your availability, but don't get me to trade at 3am in the morning.
Hi there, I was wondering if I could add you for the friend safari? I have Ground with Sandshrew, Nincada and Diggersby and Steel with Magneton, Foretress and Klefki. Thanks
I always have my Xerneas(Oberon), Yveltal, Shiny Slurpuff(Hershey) and my shiny Pangoro(Scourge) on my team, and now recently Paladin and Monarch I guess my team is now complete ^_^