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  • P0KEVORTEX, yes I have been wondering about continuing it there [as I stopped continuing it on my profile explaining all the irrelevant comments].

    But I haven't really gotten to it, since I haven't been on my computer for quite some time. [can't copy/paste]
    What's your condition?
    P0KEVORTEX, :0
    Wow, that is some great stuff right there. I'm glad I have you to recommend stuff to me! ^_^ I'll try to find something as good.
    P0KEVORTEX, and then your highness said "I don't need to take this!" and she left the room in a huff.
    Yeah that would be a bit odd if I was a boy. JB is awesome though, I am guessing that you do not agree lol.

    Eh ok..I'm prolly not gonna be active much anymore til/if they brings games back/PA back. I cant play the card game much bc of RL time isues/personal issues and thats why i joined in the first place

    Eh ok..I'm prolly not gonna be active much anymore til/if they brings games back/PA back. I cant play the card game much bc of RL time isues/personal issues and thats why i joined in the first place

    I like the mixed reactions the fat and inflated pics get, though. But, yeah, I agree. Cute > Fat, any day.
    P0KEVORTEX, Phantom Academy is still there, it's just locked with every other game. They're voting later today.
    P0KEVORTEX, All of the games in the game corner (The RPG's I think...but maybe all of them) were moved to the Entertainment and Games section. Now some of them became invisible and only see-able by mods. So they now count since they aren't in the game section but we can't see them ;_;
    Bippa201, Sure! :D
    By the way, though, I'm opting out of calls and using this account as a more reliable PB chat. ;)
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