*checks post*
Anyway, chello messages me on dA, and he wants us to migrate somewhere else. Penguin Forums, apparently. Never heard of them.
Penguin forums is awesome. shall I give you the link on DA?
P0KEVORTEX, that would be legendary, but I doubt the mods would understand our sheer genius. And as for my earlier question, I was just wondering if you knew anything about Kevin Garret's situation in particular, I considered him a friend.
Eheheh, this is actually pretty early for me. Do you really have any idea what's going on with these recent Moddings, bannings, and the forums closing down? It's all too much... :/
Banned because you have been added to my buddy list. Double banned because you should send me an FCBM. Triple banned because Despicable Me is not on Instant Play on Netflix. Quadruple banned because I like banning on profiles.