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  • Hold on a second, there was nothing wrong with me saying I was passing out heals this round as a thank you to the people from last round. I wasn't showing any preference towards any Pokemon nor did I setup any truces last round to ensure Leafeon's survival.

    KoN and I are friends, our conversations were outside of the game itself and didn't involve us manipulating the game or any of the participants.
    WanderingWolf, I see you did not see my reply. It's legal because im asking for peace, as in not hurting. I was not asking for heals. It was legal.
    Wow, Reggie has been trying to setup allegiances for a few days and don't think he got the response he wanted. It's quite sad the proverbial nail in the coffin came from the host not following his own rules.

    Did you just delete the ENTIRE thread of H/H?
    Well, that's a couple months wasted ;-;
    Imagine how the mods feel having to read through all posts in there, because some members continue to argue and cheat (working together, making agreements/teams) to get advantages over other players.

    I'm sorry for all those who participated without getting into fights or trying to cheat.
    Surely it's just been hidden and not actually deleted?

    What have I missed exactly? Last I saw was Reggie offering out truces again.
    I haven't had anything to do with H/H at all. Not sure where you got that idea from.
    We can pretend you were bordering on being philosophical but neither of us are philosophical enough to understand the true meaning :p
    That's what I meant, you've had that usertitle for a few days. It implies you're constantly having a bad day.
    To be fair, I told everyone it was going to be in the final two.

    *looks at usertitle*

    You seem to have a lot of those, maybe try being a little nicer and less hateful. You'll have less of them then.
    WanderingWolf, No reason at all. Why else would a serial killer not kill someone when given a pair of swimming trunks?
    you didn't want to be a mugger, remember. I was just humoring you.
    WanderingWolf, See the thread I just answered it there before checking my profile :[
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