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  • Hopefully I can be active enough to keep that from happening. Going to find out real quick if I can function of 4 hours of sleep every day.
    WanderingWolf, Wait so I'm actually safe?
    If you backstab me again I will cry ;~;
    Please don't vote me out again; you've probably got an alliance ready to do so though.
    Also Jolteon. Which I'm only going to vote for because it's not possible to vote for Joltik, the cutest Pokemon in existence ;w;
    WanderingWolf, Hmm ok. Thamks anyway man Look into it sometime XD. The Apple plant is currently in China XD. Did not mean to trip anyones triggers. You would be surprised what my family has found out and it was not done by just looking it up. We had to dig to find the information XD. Again not to offen but I better end this before it goes to far. Thanks anyway though.:)

    Nah I did not mean it in a bad way. Apple is horribly expensive XD. Most Apple products are made in China by little kids. If you did not know this my family has looked into these products and most are made in China or assembled in China. We don't buy or try to avoid China made products because they dn't last long and are not as durable. I was just saying XD. Hope I did not offend anyone but we don't buy anything Apple for those reasons XD. People need to be more aware that most Apple products are tied to China though.:)
    i dont feel like coming back and anyways im to awesome and powerful i dont need people like you around me! :3
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