Freedomeon Jan 7, 2014 Hey, I have that Moxie Heracross for you. Made sure it's female to make life easier for you. Are you available to trade now? Could I also get one of those free Tynamo off you please?
Hey, I have that Moxie Heracross for you. Made sure it's female to make life easier for you. Are you available to trade now? Could I also get one of those free Tynamo off you please?
DeepSleepDarkrai Oct 3, 2013 Hey added your 3ds Friend code, add mine so we can battle or trade when X and Y come out. FC 4270-0358-5042
Hey added your 3ds Friend code, add mine so we can battle or trade when X and Y come out. FC 4270-0358-5042