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  • I've been thinking, would Seeker or SSU do any good for Chandelure, given the correct ruling? Think about it, you have an active Chandelure, a benched Chandelure who's ability you used during that turn, and a benched Lampent; you know you need to use Chandelure's ability 2 more times during your turn to score the K.O. on something, so you play Seeker or SSU to get your benched Chandelure into your hand, evolve Lampent, play Switch or retreat then send up your benched Chandelure and use it's ability for the K.O. In this case I would prefer Seeker since it's guarenteed to pick up a Chandelure, but I think SSU/Junk Arm may be the better choice because your opponent may pick up the Pokemon your trying to K.O.
    I put PONT, I just didn't include Sage's because I despise it, I mean I can see why some people would want it, but it's just not for me, I prefer Cheren. Also I'll be back on later or tommorow, my neck hurts (I have neck problems) and I need to lay down for a while.
    Do people often get draw/hand refresh cards mixed into the same category? Into the draw category, I would put: Cheren, Professor Juniper, Engineer's Adjustments and Bianca. In the hand refresh category I would put: Copycat, PONT, Judge and N. I'm not naming stuff that would fit into Chandelure, I just made this list so I could get a good idea of what you meant by lots of draw.
    Ok, I understand what you mean now. When I posted the rulings question I was refering to having only 2 Chandelure out. I haven't tested with Chandelure because I'm using almost all my staple cards right now in different decks and I only have 1 Chandelure, so I don't know how likely you are to only have out 2 at a time, given a bad hand. Also how many Collectors does Chandelure/Dodrio need to run?
    Uh-oh. I just got a ruling on Chandelure from Sleeping Snorlax I don't think you'll be happy about! =( "Benching the Pokemon only nullifies effects on the Pokemon. Such as burn, confused, "this Pokemon can't attack" statuses, and so on. Once you use an ability it may not be used again unless it says it can. The only way you can use the same Chandelure's ability twice in one turn is if you make him leave play. So, let's say, you seeker up a Chandelure and were able to play it down again, then you could use the ability again."
    What if you don't get an energy, or don't start with Litwick. It isn't as easy as it sounds ;)
    Zorua, Ya, but 2 Chandelure requires two candy, a collector, 2 communication. Harder to get than it sounds.
    Zorua, I think that happens when you age or something...

    I sure am, I'm hoping to go to around 5. What about you? You must have plans for at least one.
    Zorua, Ohai! :3 Last time we chatted I think your name was something silly like DarkVoid42 or something...

    I am doing pretty well. Staying up late and chatting on Pokebeach Chat. What could be better? :I What are you up to? :eek:
    Zorua, I'm not actually sure myself. The best thing to do would be to probably PM WPM, or I can ask him later on when it actually comes out.
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