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  • Darkvoid57, you don't need to read the Bible in order though it is a noble pursuit. You can just skip over to I Cor 4, read it over, write a quick reply saying what you got out of it, and then skip back.
    I'm actually doing a set of through-the-Bible tracks right now, but due to school getting in the way I haven't been doing much. I have, however, finished the entire Old Testament, so if you have any questions, send them my way.
    Darkvoid57, juuuuuuuuuuust posted (yes I decided to buckle down and just do it)
    Darkvoid57, anytime man!
    I meant to write up something for I Cor. 4 today but kept putting it off. I've got to leave in 15 minutes from now, but hopefully I can whip up something.
    I'm just really bad at procrastinating.....er, really good. Whatever is bad for me, that is the one I end up doing.
    Oh and we get the occasional pizza party and ice cream party's too.

    Theres just one problem wiiith my school, the playground. Last year the school redid the playground, making it for Pre-K, and maybe Kindergrden. It's so tiny, and the only thing 6th grade can do is sit on the rock wall.
    The traffic, the bus company, my dad being divorced, traffic, and no car makes it harder. Though other family members have a car. Well at my school, we have a sttudent of the month (and I've been it for 5 years, allthe years I've been at my school) so as a treat, for breakfeast the students go to the Pancake House and eat there. Also at the end of the year the whole school gos somewhere cool, in 2nd grade it was a rollerskating rink, 3rd rade it was Bowling, 4th and 5th grade was Island Park. It's so cool.

    Going to Washington DC sounds so awesome!
    Darkvoid57, Schools doing good. Being in all the same classes as the boy I like is a major benifet. We have a school dance for 6-8, so I hope I can test meh luck there. ;3

    I'm in all the same classes as my BFF too. We've been friends for five years now. :O (and shes going to join the forums soon) I'm in honors reading and math (the only 2 honors at my school)

    And I have my own locker and Ii can only stop at my locker every 2 periods.

    Now about the bus...As usual I have a stupid bus company, so in the morning we have to pick up kids from different schools. So I don't arrivive at school till 7:30-7:40 AM, which is the time for homeroom. And then the afternoon bus. Ugh, we have to pick up kids from 4 different schools, but they all get out at different times. I get out of school at 2:00 PM. So I go on the bus and we go to a different school, where 5 of us are on a hot bus with nothing to do. So while we wait 20-30 minutes we play games like hide and seek and four corners, on the bus. Well today we only had one other school on the bus, tomorrow we'll have 3.

    Though the bus is stupid, school is great.
    I can hold off on making a poll for my contest another day, if you still need time to write. Otherwise, I really would like to wrap things up by the weekend, so I can start the next contest soon afterward.
    So long as you get in, it's fine. I just wanted to make a note that I wouldn't take any more entries other than yours today.
    Darkvoid57, alright then. I just wanted to check.
    Hiya, just wondering if you were still taking part in my haiku contest? Poems aren't due until tomorrow, but I wanted to drop you a line in case you forgot.
    Yeah, I know. ;)
    I'm really into foreign cards at the moment, but it's my only one. :<
    You has Japanese good Bouffalant? :O
    Awesome! Do you have any other Japanese cards?
    /me has one and one only. :p
    Darkvoid57, Uhhhh, maybe. Japanese bad Bouffalant is a MUCH higher want. ;D
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