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  • Please hurry up, I have to go to bed in 5 minutes and the thing I need to tell you is quick but important.
    I used the pair I got from you for grinders and broke a single sleeve and had to resleeve, so I got a pack of 64 and have two sets now. Whoever you bought from ripped us off.

    Btw, got Skyla sleeves, you want them?

    Is it really? Where is its place in the storyline?
    So did you decide on getting a box? Sorry if I'm pressuring you, its just I want to be able to save $2 in fees by withdrawing from my own ATM today rather than the ATM near the place where I get the boxes. XD
    There's some where there's all three. Maybe I can only get a certain number? I'm all about getting 100% completion and this is killing me lol.
    You've played 358/2 Days right? I'm on Day seventy-something but I have a question...

    Inside the mission box, there's the # of the mission, the location, and three little badges. Two blue, a red, and the amount of treasure chests unlocked. How do I get all three of those badges? Can I even get all of them for all of the levels? Only certain ones have all of them while some don't...this is bugging me!
    Zorua, Okay, that's fine. The guy I buy from only accepts cash, so if you could let me know by Friday at around noon California time, it'd be appreciated so I can know how much to withdraw. Thanks.
    Zorua, Had.* :( I bought 4, kept one for myself, sold one at Worlds, and two are on hold for people on PokeBeach. I'd *consider* selling my own personal mat (sealed of course), but the price would have to be godly. Also, I will let you know if one of the people on Beach declines on the mat, and then I'd sell you one.

    Also, I'm picking up Dragons Exalted on Saturday. Did you want boxes or a case?
    In case you're wondering why nobody's been posting in your sale thread, it's because all your cards suck worse than you do it's locked. Muddy locked it awhile ago cos some guy revived it.
    Hey Zorua! I hate to be a bother but would you mind leaving feedback for the transaction we completed last week? That would be great, thanks!
    Zorua, Why, thank you! It's time to kick butt and take names! And I'm all out of butt.
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