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  • Darkvoid57, Only twice. ;D
    I'm very interested as to why they were oth a few hours iapart in the same day. I think he likes me.
    Yeah, I have also got quite a collection of views from people.
    I need one from PMJ and then I have a full house of s-mods/admin. :p
    Yes, a masterpiece indeed.
    And now I'm almost caught up with DNA on profile comments, too. Everyone's a winner (except I'd rather have a house than the most profile comments on PB).
    Well, uhh...
    /me rolls the coffin off whatever it's on, and begins to roll away into the sunset.
    The curtains draw, and the audience claps.


    Or is it?

    Regardless, I feel a bio quote coming on.
    /me springs to life and grabs your throat
    /me uses his other hand to take the cake
    /me goes back into the coffin with the cake and closes the case
    /me burps
    /me remains motionless again
    Darkvoid57, I am also very confused.

    /me sees if he can use me code.
    /me is confused.
    /me can't use /me code!
    /me took 10 damage from confusion.
    /me fainted!
    I bet you can't wait. I hate the way that you can be on top of an educational place, then go back to the bottom of the next.

    Fail. I just replied to myself.
    Darkvoid57, Yeah, lucky you. The normal for the UK is three languages, I believe.
    So, are you going to high school soon or do you still have an extra year?
    Lol, yuuup.

    Not like I speak russsian all too often, but I still remember some of it :p

    Can't wait for high school, yay fourth language :/
    Darkvoid57, :D
    Ok. I guess if you're part Russian or whatever, then three languages might be harder for someone your age to take on board.
    Darkvoid57, I see. Hope you're better now. Does this involve you staying in PA at all as well?
    It was French indeed. It translates to 'Why was it a bad day yesterday?'
    And if you don't know French, learn it starting now and you'll sail through exams. It's a really simple language.

    Darkvoid57, Thanks.

    Pourquoi était-il un jour mal hier?
    Was it because of Werewolf?
    I missed the signups anyway...
    Forum-wide game of tag. Post on a person's profile that they are it and to pass it on. So...

    *tag* you're it.

    Pass it on.
    Banned because although you mentioned crossing me off your list of awesome people, I was never on it anyway if you mean the one in your bio.
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