Zyflair, Sorry, that was directed towards The Fallen One, that's why i said (flame war) because it was about ponies because he was joining in the disagreement against me.
I felt extremely ill yesterday. My stomach and head were killing me and a lot of little things were just setting me off and i should'nt of done that to someone I had nothing against. It's still no excuse, but that is my reasoning.
Alright. And i want to appologize if i made you angry yesterday in the ban game. I had no right to hate on something that someone loves to do, just because i don't like it. I'm sorry to you and all the eeveelutions. I hope we can look past this and hopefully be friends.
They're only going to be in there for little while longer. Just thought it would be more respectful to them if i put them in my signature so I and others can see them. Instead of in my bio, which i barely look at, and almost no other people read.