Zyflair, I have no clue, I never saw the bill. And I doubt he would have charged that much, he was a very very humble man. When I went to some competitions in a city North of here he would actually be there himself fairly often.
Zyflair, Yeah he was really cool. I didn't even know him that well, he was just a teacher to me and he didn't really talk about his past a lot. He retired last year and died over the weekend. I actually had to audition to get accepted because he was fairly picky about his students.
Zyflair, Yeeeep. He spent a lot of time going across the country judging competitions and such. He taught music and he knew sooo much. His office at the college he taught at was full of music books.
Zyflair, Yeeeeah he was really cool. Really intelligent when it came to music. He even knew a lot of famous people and didn't really tell anybody about it. He apparently even knew Vladimir Horowitz...
Zyflair, Ahh that sucks. I had lessons since I was...4 or 5. That ended a few years back cuz of my parents' divorce. Just since the school year started have I tried to get back into stuff lol. I just found out today my last piano instructor died though
Zyflair, I just practice for like 30 minutes every day from some lesson books I completed several years back...I quit piano for like 4 years so I'm trying to get back to my former awesomeness.