Cynthia’s Garchomp ex Special Illustration Rare Revealed from “Heat Wave Arena!”

Water Pokémon Master

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The Special Illustration Rare version of Cynthia’s Garchomp ex has been revealed from Heat Wave Arena! The set releases on March 14th in Japan. The cards from the set will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May.
Cynthia’s Garchomp ex – Fighting – HP330
Stage 2 – Evolves from Cynthia’s Gabite
[F] Corkscrew Dive: 100 damage. You may draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand.
[F][F] Dragon Blaster: 260 damage. Discard all Energy from this Pokémon.
When your Pokemon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2...

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Starting to feel a sense of dread that this cycle of owner's pokemon is a failure on every level
There's a legit good amount of owner's Pokémon that are perfectly fine standalone and as individual archetypes. Hop Box as well as Hop's Pincurchin ex are nice, Lillie's Clefairy ex will be mandatory for any decks that use Psychic energy in any capacity to deal with Dragon types and Underdepths strats, Ethan's Ho-Oh + Fire Off will revitalize the entire Fire type, Trade Zoroark is back, Cynthia Box will be a thing, the only trainer that is legitimately getting zero good cards is Misty unironically.
It's a really nice art but as I'm only collecting cards for an "arts" dex, It's a little too busy vs TG Garchomp V and I rather have a Garchomp without Cynthia's name in front. OCD, I know