Cynthia’s Garchomp ex Special Illustration Rare Revealed from “Heat Wave Arena!”

people complaining about this card's artwork but then celebrate miki tanaka's garbage for 25 years... sigh
I think miki tanakas style is extremely cute and memorable, it has a storybook feel!

this art is completely fine, and very skillful, but it doesn't stick with me. granted, I don't like garchomp so that may be biased but there's only so many "garchomp looking cool in a striking pose in a common artstyle" i can take before they all start blurring in my mind. though i think for garchomp fans this card is pretty fun so that's an ultimate win, the goal wasn't to cater to people like me
Its barely better than a pasting a still frame from the anime onto a card. It does nothing artistically that hasn't been seen before. Again its just a trainer standing nearby to a pokemon.
Okay, and? What did you expect? Cynthia hanging out at the beach with Garchomp?