DNA, I'm sorry to hear that. Mine was certainly and improvement from last year, when I had bronchitis. I mostly played Super Smash Bros Brawl with my cousins as well as eating probably way too much dessert, but dang it, pie is fantastic.
Today I went to a League Challenge and placed 3rd out of six with a 2-1 record. My first two games went great, and at that point only I and one other person were undeafeated. So, of course, in the next round we should play each other, right? Nah, we both got paired against 1-1s. I lost to a Plasma deck thanks to lasers. I had a great start going second with Mewtwo EX and a DCE against a lone Deoxys, but then my opponent Lasered and I fell asleep while he set up. There were actually plenty of other spots where Lasers screwed me over in that game as well, like killing my Scizor that would otherwised have lived to troll another turn and plenty of sleep flips that I almost always hit tails on. Needless to say, I lost that match, though I still placed 3rd, which was good enough for me. I should probably tell you what I was playing. It was Bouffalant DRX, Tornadus EX DEX, Mewtwo EX, Garbodor DRX, and Scizor BCR with Mr. Mime and Keldeo EX thrown in to help with the Darkrai matchup. It also has Mirror, Bangle, Eviolite, and Float Stone. It's a blast to play and wins most of the time, though obviously it has some problems with Lasers. I'm probably going to drop the Garbodor in favor of a more Scizor centered deck, which will allow me to use Keldeo EX and Mr. Mime to their fullest potential to deal with Scizor's main weaknesses, Lasers and sniping. I think this deck is probably my favorite since Hydreigon.