Scorched Feathers

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  • Yep! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚'✿,。・:*:・゚'❁

    Haha, I'll be looking forward to that. Though I'm not sure if our timezones get along well yet, but we'll see.
    Scorched Feathers, haha why don't you guess? There were only a few of us in there. And I also said a huge clue in my previous reply :p
    Scorched Feathers, as long as it's catchy and has nice ED animations, I wouldn't mind whoever's singing it.

    Oh, btw, I was hoping to fight you last Saturday but I think we were both eliminated on the first round LOL Next time, I guess :p
    Scorched Feathers, Definitely gonna post some of my fakes! :D It's what I do, I take pride in my fakemon. Can't wait to show 'em to you guys. Thanks for the welcome!
    Scorched Feathers, Hi! Well I have to say, of all the games, I like quite a few :) Gold was awesome, I love the 16 gyms! Then I agree on Emerald, can't wait for Alpha Sapphire! And then, I really love X & Y. I loved playing Colloseum and Stadium 2, so glad it's finally on handheld as well :) And generation... Well, I like all of them, they each have their amazing pokémon and their stupid ones :p
    Scorched Feathers,

    I like a lot of music from a lot of different genres. If I had to pick 5 bands/singers they would be Lord Huron, Kanye West, Typhoon, Banks, and Childish Gambino.
    the main thing i do with my hacked psp is play games i have been wanting to play alot but other then that i have no clue lol
    to hack your psp you need to get a file called cfw 6.60 and open it then hook your psp and when you see the menu with files for the psp just make a file called iso and drag the 2 files that are in cfw to iso if it doesnt work then tell because i might have said it wrong
    Ritsu is my favorite but UTAU have a lot of potential to be better than vocaloids for certain songs. Tei isn't bad by any means either although I've only heard one song featuring her. What is your favorite song for both? For Ritsu it's probably A tie between "Material World / Rebellion" and the only song I've heard with Tei is "Chains" which I liked.

    You are going to record your own voicebank? That sounds like fun, haha.
    Scorched Feathers, NOOOOOOOOOOOooooo...! D8

    The awesomeness of Get Up has set the standard bar for endings high, a new ending would need to be really, really, really, really, really, really, really, good for me to be okay that it will replace Get Up.
    Interesting. That is another one that I haven't heard about, it's likely due to me continuously checking out works featuring the same vocaloids rather than the newer ones. Her design is also quite nice, will most definitely check those songs out later today.

    Since you haven't heard much Aoki I figured I'd link you two of my favorites.
    Think the Future

    Hmm, do you listen to any UTAU? If so which do you like?

    EDIT: My personal favorites from those three v flower songs were "Aimai na Reversi" and "Wavefile". Ah, but don't get me wrong they were all pleasant on the ear, for sure she has a unique vocal bank.
    Thanks for linking me to them. After listening to them I felt that "don't disappear" was more to my taste if I had to choose. They were all okay though! Her voice-bank isn't bad, I think it's safe to say that we can expect good things down the line from her.

    Have you heard any songs that have used Aoki Lapis? If so do you mind sharing a few that you liked? I don't have much music utilizing her and would love to hear some more. IMO, she's best used in fast pace electronic/trance/techno songs but I'd give anything a listen really.
    Scorched Feathers, Up! Up! Up! :p

    LOL It may or may not have been intentional. Haha. Well, that ending song's been stuck ever since I first heard it. It's just so catchy, isn't it?
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