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  • bacon-boy, That would be awesome and greatly appreciated. All you have to do is keep up with new entries coming and score them when you have the time. Month 2 may not have as big of a workload as month 1 did but having two judges is always better than one and I thank you for stepping forward! :)
    I don't get what people see in Joltik. It really isn't all that cute. I find it actually pretty ugly and Galvantula is its only redemption.
    bacon-boy, True that.
    Nice to see some more Brit action still living on. ;D
    bacon boy:
    A person who likes electronic music. The link between bacon and 'electro' was made during the explosion of ecstasy consumption during the mid 1980's. Users of the drug would usually consume bacon after a hard night of clubbing in order to restore much-needed nutrients to the body, often in sandwich form.

    But I'm sure you know the other definition. ;)

    "He loves those tunes, such a bacon boy!"
    your thread, with the farfetch'd, you should read that. cause your uber set may have spawned.. :>
    bacon-boy, I agree, it was uncalled for. That doesn't mean that I don't miss his sense of humor, but at the same time he could (and should) have lightened up.
    Moona will just talk forever about things you have no hope of understanding. It's better to just sit back and watch whenever she enters the chat. I stand by the fact that "unlimitless" is the best word ever invented.
    1) Unlimitless is the best word ever invented
    2) It isn't impossible to comprehend what she says, but I will admit that it's very very difficult
    sometimes I need to run a system diagnostic on my brain when it happens
    I been good. So...any drawings? Doodles? Anything? lol.
    Real life has really taken precedence so haven't drawn much of anything in months.
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