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  1. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    Okay we can do that base trade. Your thread says you have the Arceus do you have a Gengar Lv X? I'd take another Staraptor FB Lv X, more Feraligatr Prime too.[hr] Gengar X = 1 croak, but i'm not interested in trading any more croaks for them. Pick something else?
  2. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    Any other UL primes? That's like $11 vs. $22.
  3. L

    [H]Lots of stuff [W]Lots of stuff

    RE: [H] Sleeves, X's, Primes, Lots [W] Kingdra Prime + A lot - Updated Today! I'd be willing to do one, but not two. For my cards above? The croak alone is worth one. So is this what you'd go for? MY: Crobat G Kingdra LA Expert Belt Roseanne's Research (pack) YOUR: Gengar Lv X
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    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    As per PM, this is our final trade: YOUR: 2x Blaziken FB Floatzel GL Lv X MY: Magnezone Great Ball (08-023) 1x Blissey ex 1x Rayquaza ex 1x Regirock ex 1x Swampert ex
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    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    konter_j8902, as agreed in PM: MY: Arceus Luxury Ball (p-029) Garchomp Great Ball (08-020) Heatran Ultra Ball (09-009) 1-2 Random Battrio Coin(s) Surprise You YOUR: Lanturn Prime UL RH Fisherman HS RH Expert Belt x2
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    [H]Lots of stuff [W]Lots of stuff

    RE: [H] Sleeves, X's, Primes, Lots [W] Kingdra Prime + A lot - Updated Today! MY: Crobat G Kingdra LA Expert Belt Roseanne's Research (pack) Toxicroak G Promo DP41 YOUR: 2x Gengar Lv X
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    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    From the above, I'd be willing to trade: Gallade 4 Lv X Regigigas Lv X Snorlax Lv X Honchcrow Lv X Garchomp Lv X Dialga Lv X Regice* From your list, I'd be interested in: Shaymin land Lv.X Staraptor FB Lv. X Xx Feraligatr Prime Xx Typhlosion Prime Go ahead and make the first offer.
  8. L

    PoptartG4791 Trade Forum! [H:]LEGEND [W:]Prime

    RE: PoptartG4791 Trade Forum! Updated with UL! [H:]LEGEND [W:]PRIME Okay I'll do that, PM me your info so I can send first. See anything else on my list for the player reward energy? How much is it worth in general? I have a lot of rares that I haven't listed yet. Not many extra staples...
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    [H]Lots of stuff [W]Lots of stuff

    RE: [H] Sleeves, X's, Primes, Lots [W] Kingdra Prime + A lot - Updated Today! I'm interested in your 2x Gengar Lv X. From your various wants, I have: Crobat G Kingdra LA Expert Belt Roseanne's Research (pack) also pre-release sleeves from Arceus, HGSS and Unleashed. CML for other stuff.
  10. L

    PoptartG4791 Trade Forum! [H:]LEGEND [W:]Prime

    RE: PoptartG4791 Trade Forum! Updated with UL! [H:]LEGEND [W:]PRIME I have a Promocroak if you want it. I'd like your Gengar X and set of player reward energy.
  11. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    Okay, so the trade is: YOUR: Lanturn Prime interviewers questions RH BTS Spiritomb AR MY: Ninetales HGSS 2x Vulpix HGSS Blaziken FB Blaziken FB X Sableye SF Charmander AR That's a deal. :) PM me your info so I can send first.[hr] YOUR: Garchomp C Lv X Floatzel GL Lv X MY: Magnezone Coin...
  12. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    I said no to Rhyperior X and asked for Spiritomb AR instead.[hr] To the right trader, I think the ex's are worth $5 each at least, which is what your Garchomp C Lv X is worth at most. I'm afraid we aren't even close to a deal.
  13. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    Ok I checked, I have one of those so I can do that.
  14. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    I understand, but I have one already for my collection and its going to rotate. What about a Spiritomb AR?
  15. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    YOUR: $10 Lanturn Prime $3 Interviewer's Questions RH $3 BTS (slightly bent) MY: $5 Ninetales HGSS 2x Vulpix HGSS $10 Blaziken FB Lv X $4 Blaziken FB $2 Sableye SF I added the values (I use as benchmnark) not quite enough on your end. Add in Electivire FB Lv...
  16. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    OK I see: Lanturn Prime Dialga G Lv X Interviewer's Questions RH Pokemon Communication BTS Besides the cards of mine that you were interested in, from your wants I have: x1 Sableye SF x1 Ninetails HGSS x2 Vulpix HGSS OR UL
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    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    I don't see any Pokemon I'd want, but I'd trade a Red Gyarados (Holo) for some of your T/S/S. I'm interested in RH Cyrus and regular Cyrus, 2x Night Maintenance, BTS, Energy Gain, Power Spray, Pokemon Communication. Make me an offer.
  18. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    Maybe, and thanks for making the first offer, but that's like your $10 vs. my $15. (I saw you value by value thread, but I can't find that.) Do you have some RH staples to add in?[hr] I appreciate you want my older cards. Do you care about condition? They look fine but may...
  19. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    Cool, I sent you a PM so we can talk about it until we come up with a trade.
  20. L

    Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

    COUNTRY: USA Rules Since you are posting here wanting something from me, please make the first offer. I'm only trading in the USA for now. Trading Corner rules apply I trade cards to play them, so condition isn't too important to me. If it is to you, say so and I'll make sure what I have will...