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Battrio coins for trade! W: Unleashed Primes and Legends

So it is
Lanturn Prime
interviewers questions RH
Rhyperoir X

Nintails HGSS
2 Vulpix HGSS
Blaziken FB
Blaziken FB X
Charmander AR

if so PM me to confirm :)
Would you do this...

Garchomp C Lv X

Magnezone Coin
1x Blissey ex
1x Rayquaza ex
1x Regirock ex
1x Swampert ex

I also saw that you want SP Trainers. Let Me know which 1's if ya still want them and how many and I can throw them in if ya want me to. Thx! Also could you take a look closer at the EXs and tell me what the Conditions are as well whenever you get time. Thx!
pokefan1234 said:
So it is
Lanturn Prime
interviewers questions RH
Rhyperoir X

Nintails HGSS
2 Vulpix HGSS
Blaziken FB
Blaziken FB X
Charmander AR

if so PM me to confirm :)

I said no to Rhyperior X and asked for Spiritomb AR instead.

the crippler 18 said:
Would you do this...

Garchomp C Lv X

Magnezone Coin
1x Blissey ex
1x Rayquaza ex
1x Regirock ex
1x Swampert ex

I also saw that you want SP Trainers. Let Me know which 1's if ya still want them and how many and I can throw them in if ya want me to. Thx! Also could you take a look closer at the EXs and tell me what the Conditions are as well whenever you get time. Thx!

To the right trader, I think the ex's are worth $5 each at least, which is what your Garchomp C Lv X is worth at most. I'm afraid we aren't even close to a deal.
pokefan1234 said:
Oh sorry *duh* i forgot :p the above deal but instead of Rhyperior I trade Spiritomb right.

Okay, so the trade is:

Lanturn Prime
interviewers questions RH
Spiritomb AR

Ninetales HGSS
2x Vulpix HGSS
Blaziken FB
Blaziken FB X
Sableye SF
Charmander AR

That's a deal. :) PM me your info so I can send first.

the crippler 18 said:
I can throw in the Floatzel GL Lv X as well.

Garchomp C Lv X
Floatzel GL Lv X

Magnezone Coin
1x Blissey ex
1x Rayquaza ex
1x Regirock ex
1x Swampert ex

Okay that's better. The ex's look like they've seen some play. So not mint, but not beat up either. I can take some pictures if it means that much to you.
hey i am interested in a couple of things

Giratina Lv X
Gallade 4 Lv X
Drapion Lv X
Rayquaza C Lv X
Regigigas Lv X
Snorlax Lv X
Honchcrow Lv X
Garchomp Lv X
Dialga Lv X
Dialga G Lv X
1x Blissey ex
1x Rayquaza ex
1x Regirock ex
Anicent Mew
Toxicroak G Promo DP41

CML!!!! and LMK!!!!
PokemonLv63X said:
hey i am interested in a couple of things

Giratina Lv X
Gallade 4 Lv X
Drapion Lv X
Rayquaza C Lv X
Regigigas Lv X
Snorlax Lv X
Honchcrow Lv X
Garchomp Lv X
Dialga Lv X
Dialga G Lv X
1x Blissey ex
1x Rayquaza ex
1x Regirock ex
Anicent Mew
Toxicroak G Promo DP41

CML!!!! and LMK!

From the above, I'd be willing to trade:
Gallade 4 Lv X
Regigigas Lv X
Snorlax Lv X
Honchcrow Lv X
Garchomp Lv X
Dialga Lv X

From your list, I'd be interested in:
Shaymin land Lv.X
Staraptor FB Lv. X
Xx Feraligatr Prime
Xx Typhlosion Prime

Go ahead and make the first offer.
konter_j8902, as agreed in PM:

Arceus Luxury Ball (p-029)
Garchomp Great Ball (08-020)
Heatran Ultra Ball (09-009)
1-2 Random Battrio Coin(s) Surprise You

Lanturn Prime UL
RH Fisherman HS
RH Expert Belt x2
the crippler 18 said:
no thats fine. I'll PM you with the Details.

As per PM, this is our final trade:

2x Blaziken FB
Floatzel GL Lv X

Magnezone Great Ball (08-023)
1x Blissey ex
1x Rayquaza ex
1x Regirock ex
1x Swampert ex
losjackal said:
From the above, I'd be willing to trade:
Gallade 4 Lv X
Regigigas Lv X
Snorlax Lv X
Honchcrow Lv X
Garchomp Lv X
Dialga Lv X

From your list, I'd be interested in:
Shaymin land Lv.X
Staraptor FB Lv. X
Xx Feraligatr Prime
Xx Typhlosion Prime

Go ahead and make the first offer.
Landmin X
Raptor X
Fergi Prime
Typhlo Prime

Regigigas Lv X
Snorlax Lv X

that is a base, i also want some of the others, so wat else do u want?
PokemonLv63X said:
Landmin X
Raptor X
Fergi Prime
Typhlo Prime

Regigigas Lv X
Snorlax Lv X

that is a base, i also want some of the others, so wat else do u want?

Okay we can do that base trade. Your thread says you have the Arceus set...so do you have a Gengar Lv X? I'd take another Staraptor FB Lv X, more Feraligatr Prime too.

i have gengar x
interested in
2 promocroak

Gengar X = 1 croak, but i'm not interested in trading any more croaks for them. Pick something else?
losjackal said:
Okay we can do that base trade. Your thread says you have the Arceus set...so do you have a Gengar Lv X? I'd take another Staraptor FB Lv X, more Feraligatr Prime too.

i have gengar x
interested in
2 promocroak

Gengar X = 1 croak, but i'm not interested in trading any more croaks for them. Pick something else?

i hav gengar but i wont trade it and wat can i get for those cards?
i would like garchomp X and Dialga X, i also need some deck staples to make a deck, not sure wat deck im makeing tho