Search results

  1. StrangeState

    XY Trainer Customization - What Items / Clothing Do You Want to See?

    I will literally cry tears of unbridled fury and sadness if there is no bowtie, or shirt with bowtie attachment for my male character. I have an extensive bowtie collection in real life, and it would be absolutely amazing to continue that trend in game.
  2. StrangeState

    (1) High-Quality Video of 'X' and 'Y' Demo [8/22]

    They do have their own icons. I am currently searching for the demo video that shows it and when I do i'll edit this post EDIT: There we go at 1:17
  3. StrangeState

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see? I believe a prime candidate for mega evolution, whether it be a straight power increase or a slight reimagining, is Ledian. At this point not only is it forgettable but stat/typing wise its...
  4. StrangeState

    XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

    Id like abilities to have animations on the same scale as moves. This doesnt need to apply to all abilities, obviously some are less obvious or not quite as clearly depicted, and i'm aware it would be time consuming. Some examples: Iron Barbs: animated spikes grow out of the Pokemon briefly...
  5. StrangeState

    XY Pokémon X / Y: Preorder Bonus

    RE: Pokemon X/Y Preorder bonus Yeah thats real, its from CoroCoro :)
  6. StrangeState

    XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

    I'd really like to see an improvement on the AI in general, in regards to wild pokemon AND trainer battles. Things like a pokemon not using scary face on you over and over once your speed is already lowest, or really low. Gen V had some good battles with trainers with high level pokemon and good...
  7. StrangeState

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation? I second the motion for a cool/creepy new owl Pokemon. Also, i'd be happy with a Noctowl evolution :P
  8. StrangeState

    (2) 'EX Battle Boost' leaks, ‘CoroCoro’ unleashes a torrent of new information [7/10]

    Opinions opinions! Im pleased with the Legendary types, I enjoy that Xerneas has a clearly defined theme with being simply Fairy. I think that it being the "Life" pokemon and pure fairy type kind of implies fairy as essentially a Dark counterpart or "Light" type like many people have wanted...
  9. StrangeState

    (1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

    Im pretty sure you have no way of knowing we "definitely" wont get them. Im not saying I think we will, but that sounds awfully sure when you dont really have that information.
  10. StrangeState

    (1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

    Also what is Trevor holding in this photo: Any guesses?
  11. StrangeState

    (1) This Week's 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' News Releases [6/10]

    Has anyone commented on the fact that the food shown being fed to pokemon in the Pokemon-amie is likely the Gen 6 equivalent of Poffins/Pokeblocks etc?
  12. StrangeState

    XY Pokémon: X & Y UI

    RE: Pokemon: X & Y UI Definitely agreed on the looking like butt front. I dont like the font and the whole thing is just....too in your face and an eyesore. Fingers crossed for this being beta stuff.
  13. StrangeState

    XY Pokémon: X & Y UI

    RE: Pokemon: X & Y UI Note to self: Actually THOROUGHLY look through released screenshots before making fool of self. I do like that a lot though as a matter of fact. How do you think the bottom screen will be used?
  14. StrangeState

    XY Pokémon: X & Y UI

    I don't think anyone has brought this up really, and I don't think too much of the UI has been shown bar some speech bubbles etc. I'm just curious what people think the Pokemon selection screen, attack selection etc, will look like stylistically. Sorry if this seems like a strange thing to...