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  1. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Questions for people who have been to VGC Tournaments: About how long are you playing, if you win every game? (or how long you HAVE to stay there) And about how early is it to how late it is? How long does it take to make a team, decide...
  2. Alvee777

    My sister's DSi can connect to Wi-Fi, so I can battle online now!!!! (My team isn't finished...

    My sister's DSi can connect to Wi-Fi, so I can battle online now!!!! (My team isn't finished yet though)
  3. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread That should be allowed, considering that it isn't really another pokemon's name.
  4. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread How do I find out where the VGC tournaments are?
  5. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread I know all the VGC Rules and stuff... but where are the tournaments held? (I live in the US) How do I find out where and when they are? Another Question: I can't travel much, (I can't drive yet either), so how spread out are the...
  6. Alvee777

    VGC 2011-2012 Rules

    Next year will the tournament be B/W2 AND B/W or just B/W2?
  7. Alvee777

    VGC 2011-2012 Rules

    Okay! :D Thanks!
  8. Alvee777

    VGC 2011-2012 Rules

    Will the rules for 2013 be much different? I've seen videos of '09 and they are double battles with four pokemon too, will that stay? -Thank You!! :D
  9. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Thanks, I'll stick to one DS! (I had no idea that the friend code changes) :D
  10. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread I went onto the nintendo website, and it said that my security is not compatable with the DS. It said that my choices were to switch my security (but it will affect other devices using it a.k.a. four computers), or to get the USB (which is...
  11. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread -Reply- I have a DS Lite, I do have Wi-Fi, but my security is too high for my DSL to use it. Should I get a USB? (Where would I get one?) I really want to use Wi-Fi! :( -Thanks!
  12. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread I want to use Wi-Fi, but my security is WPA and it needs to be WEP. I need to switch it, but I don't know how to. Does anyone know how? Or would it be better to get a USB Connector? (if USB then where do I get it?) THANKS!!! :D
  13. Alvee777

    I'm back!! :D

    I'm back!! :D
  14. Alvee777

    Going to my cabin for 4th, (be back 7/9/12)

    Going to my cabin for 4th, (be back 7/9/12)
  15. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Thank You!!! :)
  16. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Thanks! :D I have Wi-Fi at my house, (is that what I need for Global Terminal), but how do I use it on my DS? Do I need a different connector? (<- if so, where could I get one and for how much?) Any info helps! :)[hr] Anyone have any...
  17. Alvee777

    VGC 2011-2012 Rules

    ... If you bring your pokemon down to lvl 50 and their Hp is lets say 161 now. If you use and HP Up next time then will it be 162 or 161?
  18. Alvee777


  19. Alvee777

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread I'm just starting Competitive Battling. Any important tips? What kind of battle stradegies do people usually use? Any info helps, Thanks! :) -Edit- Can someone explain to me how the tournaments work? Like, how many tournaments to I have...
  20. Alvee777

    VGC 2011-2012 Rules

    Thank You!!! :shy: :)