VGC 2011-2012 Rules

Trolling aside, it was a serious question.
Wondering if somebody can at this to the OP.

I'd just like to point out that VGC EV Spreads should be 248/248/8 as opposed to 252/252/4. Since the pokemon are lv. 50, 8 EVs = 1 point as opposed to the lv. 100 pokemon where 4 EVs = 1 Point. I've seen a couple of posts where people run 252/252/4 spreads.
I know that the last two Nationals have not been open for VGC, however there is a qualifier. I'm not sure if they are changing that this year though, but I kinda doubt it.

Edit: Can't find anything about it on, when I click on the VGC Nationals page, it takes me to the event locator... That site... man.
Teapot said:
Wondering if somebody can at this to the OP.

I'd just like to point out that VGC EV Spreads should be 248/248/8 as opposed to 252/252/4. Since the pokemon are lv. 50, 8 EVs = 1 point as opposed to the lv. 100 pokemon where 4 EVs = 1 Point. I've seen a couple of posts where people run 252/252/4 spreads.

This confuses me. Can someone explain why this is true? Also, if you raise your pokes to Lv. 100 and they are leveled down to 50, do you still have to do the 248/248/8 spread?
Basically at level 50, the stats are half of what they would normally be at level 100, plus maybe a little more. Because of that EVs and IVs work a bit differently; as Teapot said it would be 8 EVs to 1 stat point, and at level 50, it actually does not matter if an IV is 30 or 31; you will get the same result either way.

A 252/252/4 is optimal for a lv.100, but 248/248/8 you could get the optimal usage out of 508, seeing as all of those numbers are divisible by 8.

I still do 252/252/4 spreads, but that's only because I do lv.100 fights over Wifi :p
I added the section on Legality Issues to hopefully clear up some questions.
If you use HP Ups, PP Ups, Sodiums, Calciums, ect... Does it brings those changes back to how they started?
Alvee777 said:
If you use HP Ups, PP Ups, Sodiums, Calciums, etc... Does it brings those changes back to how they started?
The change in level to level 50 is just that - it alters only the level. It will not alter any EVs (including those gotten from vitamins) or IVs; it will merely set the Pokemon's stats to be what they would be at level 50, and all other parameters remain the same.

And when you leave the event, their levels will revert back to what they normally were. Don't worry; there aren't any permanent changes you need fear.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
The change in level to level 50 is just that - it alters only the level. It will not alter any EVs (including those gotten from vitamins) or IVs; it will merely set the Pokemon's stats to be what they would be at level 50, and all other parameters remain the same.

And when you leave the event, their levels will revert back to what they normally were. Don't worry; there aren't any permanent changes you need fear.

Thank You!!! :shy: :)
... If you bring your pokemon down to lvl 50 and their Hp is lets say 161 now.
If you use and HP Up next time then will it be 162 or 161?
Alvee777 said:
... If you bring your pokemon down to lvl 50 and their Hp is lets say 161 now.
If you use and HP Up next time then will it be 162 or 161?

Only if you have 8 HP EVs available. For example, your Lv.67 Swampert might have 247 EVs in HP and you used an HP UP, it wouldn't go up becuase you don't have room for another stat up. at Lv.50, 8 EVs= 1 stat point.

Also, I think that 248/248/8 EV spread doesn't work. I used a 30 HP IV/252 HP EV Cresselia and Its HP after being trained was 226 and not 227.N Also, my 31 IV HP scizor did not have 177 at 248 EVs, Instead it had 176.
@Alan: I'd like to make your answer a little bit more accurate.
The vitamins only work if the stat you're putting them in has less than 100 EVs in it. Otherwise, it has no effect.
Will the rules for 2013 be much different?
I've seen videos of '09 and they are double battles with four pokemon too, will that stay?
-Thank You!! :D
All the VGCs are going to be bring-6-use-4, flat, LV50 Double Battles. They have been every year.
The difference between years is what Pokemon have been allowed.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
All the VGCs are going to be bring-6-use-4, flat, LV50 Double Battles. They have been every year.
The difference between years is what Pokemon have been allowed.

Okay! :D Thanks!
Okay, I'm almost sure I know the answer to this, but I'm just checking. I keep coming accross trolls online who say Keldeo will be usable at Worlds because the rules only say anything about pokes #001-646, but nothing about #647 (Keldeo). I was wondering if it would actually be usable (though I'm sure it won't be).