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  1. WildFireKyurem

    (1) Last of the 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/18]

    still not a fan of the fairy type maybe its the name it sounds weird mystic sounds better since it could still work [hr] when is pokemon smash comming on
  2. WildFireKyurem

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? Seviper Evolution Poison/Steel Velociraptor Ankylosaurus Kraken(possibly Octillery evolution Water/Fire New Shark with full body Pirahna Stunfisk evolution Black Mamba Raven Dragon and Ghost Eveluition
  3. WildFireKyurem

    (1) Meloetta Distribution at Gamestop in March! [2/1]

    Its about time waited forever for this.Wish they they didnt skip out on us for the Movie event and Thundurus and tornadus
  4. WildFireKyurem

    Marriage: Special or waste?

    RE: Marriage. Special or waste? not all christians are the same some arent as judgemental as u think some of them are just ignorant to be honest and some judge everyone equally some really dont care what others do.I respect everyone belief.I am Christian.I believe that your opinion on...
  5. WildFireKyurem

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    That would be awesome i have been hoping for that for the longest while
  6. WildFireKyurem

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    I wish they kept the grass type as a reptile and its evolutions would have been part dragon.AGrass/Dragon type would be really nice but i like the new stuff overall even though there is no grass/dragon starter other wise i like it
  7. WildFireKyurem

    (1) Pokemon’s Twitter Asks About Eevee’s Evolutions… Possible Hint? [1/6]

    Im looking forward a steel,ghost,dragon,ground
  8. WildFireKyurem

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello my name is WildFireKyurem or WFK for short.I am 14 years old .I am a new member who joined because i enjoyed playing the pokemon games and i like how the site is so consistent on the current pokemon news.'I have been playing pokemon for a while now from Blue version to White 2 and...